Robot Platforms
JEROS: Jellyfish Elimination RObotic Swarm
JEROS: Jellyfish Elimination RObotic Swarm
- Technology transferred to RasTech, Co.
CAROS: Climbing Aerial RObot System
CAROS: Climbing Aerial RObot System
CAROS-H: CAROS Leveraging Hexapod Locomotion
- CNN’s tech for good: This spider-inspired drone can walk, perch and fly
- YouTube: CAROS-H
FAROS: Fire-proof Aerial RObot System
FAROS: Fire-proof Aerial RObot System
ARROS: Algal-bloom Removing RObot System
ARROS: Algal-bloom Removing RObot System
ViSP: Visually Servoed Paired Structured Light System
ViSP: Visually Servoed Paired Structured Light System
Hybrid RSS: Hybrid-type Rotary Steerable System
Hybrid RSS: Hybrid-type Rotary Steerable System
SLAM / Localization / Navigation Algorithms
- DynaVINS: A Visual-Inertial SLAM for Dynamic Environments
- AdaLIO: Adaptive LiDAR Inertial Odometry
- STEP: State Estimator for Legged Robots Using a Preintegrated Foot Velocity Factor
- UV-SLAM: Unconstrained Line-based SLAM Using Vanishing Points for Structural Mapping
- ALVIO: Adaptive Line Visual Inertial Odometry
- HG-SLAM: Hierarchical Graph-based SLAM
- G2P-SLAM: Generalized Grouping and Pruning-Based RGB-D SLAM Framework for Mobile Robots in Low-Dynamic Environments
- GP-SLAM: Grouping Nodes and Puning Constraints SLAM
- DV-SLAM: Dual-sensor-based Vector-field SLAM
- MU-SLAM: Magnetic-field-based Underground SLAM
- BRM: Localization: Building Ratio Map Localization for UAVs
- NR-UIO: NLOS-Robust UWB-Inertial Odometry based on IMM and NLOS Factor Estimation
- GP-ICP: Ground Plane ICP for Mobile Robots
- Peacock Exploration: A Lightweight Exploration for UAV using Control-Efficient Trajectory
- TRAVEL: Traversable Ground and Above-Ground Object Segmentation Using Graph Representation of 3D LiDAR Scans
- MLCPP: Multi-Layer Coverage Path Planner
- eARC-Theta*: extended Angular-Rate-Constrained Theta*
AI / ML Algorithms
- DreamWaQ: Learning Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion With Implicit Terrain Imagination via Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
- MSDPN: Multi-Stage Depth Prediction Neural Network
- Retro-RL: Reinforcing Nominal Controller with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Tilting-Rotor Drones
- Patchwork: Concentric Zone-based Region-wise Ground Segmentation with Ground Likelihood Estimation Using a 3D LiDAR Sensor
- ERASOR: Egocentric Ratio of Pseudo Occupancy-based Dynamic Object Removal for Static 3D Point Cloud Map Building
- RONet: Range-Only Network