
Urban Robotics Lab. (Room No. 3239, E3-2 Bldg.)
School of Electrical Engineering
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
291 Daehak-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34141
Republic of Korea

Contact Information

Call: +82-42-350-7451

Email: hmyung at kaist ac kr

Prof. Hyun MYUNG (明鉉)

Professor, School of Electrical Engineering: Jan. 2019 ~ Present (Tenured from Mar. 2016)
Adjunct Professor, KAIST Robotics Program: Mar. 2008 ~ Present
Adjunct Professor, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering: Jan. 2019 ~ Present
Adjunct Professor, KI for AI, KI for Robotics: Dec. 2018 ~ 2021
Director, USCRL (Unmanned Swarm CPS Research Lab Center): Feb. 2021 - Present
Chief, KAIST Robotics Program: July 2018 ~ Feb. 2021
Professor, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering: 2018.9 ~ 2018.12 (Tenured)
Associate Professor, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering: 2012.9 ~ 2018.8 (Tenured)
Assistant Professor, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering: 2008.3 ~ 2012.8


Prof. Hyun Myung received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea, in 1992, 1994, and 1998, respectively. He was a Senior Researcher with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, from 1998 to 2002, a CTO and the Director with the Digital Contents Research Laboratory, Emersys Corporation, Daejeon, from 2002 to 2003, and a Principal Researcher with the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Yongin, Korea, from 2003 to 2008. Since 2008, he has been a Professor with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, and he has served as the Chief of the KAIST Robotics Program. From 2019, he is a Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering. He led the development of the world-first robots such as JEROS (Jellyfish removal robot), CAROS (wall-climbing drone), Mole-bot, and DreamWaQer (Blind-walking quadruped robot). He received 2015 KAIST Top 10 Research Accomplishment Award, 2018 KAIST Joint Research Award, Prime Minister’s Citation Award at 2018 Nat’l Science Day, 2022 KAIST Research Prize, Champion in 2023 IEEE ICRA AQRC (Autonomous Quadruped Robot Challenge), 1st place in 2023 IEEE ICRA HILTI SLAM Challenge LiDAR Session, and CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2023 Innovation Award. His current research interests include autonomous robot navigation, SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), SHM (structural health monitoring), machine learning, AI, and swarm robots.

Google Scholar: Link
ORCID: 0000-0002-5799-2026


  1. Sep. 1998

    Doctoral degree (Ph.D.)

    KAIST, Electrical Engineering (Subject: Intelligent Automatic Control)
  2. Feb. 1994

    Master degree

    KAIST, Electrical Engineering
  3. Feb. 1992

    Bachelor degree

    KAIST, Electrical Engineering
  4. Feb. 1988

    High School

    Gwangju Science Academy

Employment History

  1. 2008.3 ~ Present
  2. 2016.2.~ 2017.2
    Visiting Scholar
    University of California, Davis
  3. 2003.7.1 ~ 2008.2
    Principal Researcher
    Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Robot Navigation Group, Micro Systems Lab.,
  4. 2002.2 ~ 2003.6
    CTO and Director of Digital Contents Research Lab.
    Emersys Corp.
  5. 1998.9 ~ 2002.1
    Senior Researcher
    ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Virtual Reality R&D Center,



  • 2nd Place in Autonomous at the 2nd QRC (Quadruped Robot Challenge), IEEE ICRA’24, Yokohama, Japan, May 14-16, 2024.
  • RED show award (RED Show 일반 부문 우수상), KRoC 2024, Feb. 23, 2024.
  • KAIST Breakthroughs Readers’ Choice Award』, Feb. 21, 2024.
  • 2023 KAISTian of the Year Award, KAIST, Feb. 14, 2024.
  • Best Paper Award, RiTA 2023 (The 11th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications), Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Taicang, China, Dec. 6-8, 2023.
  • 2023 KROS Academic Award (한국로봇학회 학술상), 한국로봇학회 (KROS), Dec. 1, 2023.
  • 2023 IEEE Academic Activity Award (IEEE 학술활동상), ICROS (제어·로봇·시스템학회), Oct. 19, 2023.
  • Champion, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Autonomous Quadruped Robot Challenge (QRC), May 29 – June 2, 2023.
  • 1st Place Overall, LiDAR Single Session Category, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)’23 HILTI SLAM Challenge, 2023.
  • 1st Place in Academia, Vision-Only Single Session Category, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)’23 HILTI SLAM Challenge, 2023.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE RA-L (Robotics and Automation Letters) 2022, June 1, 2023.
  • Best poster award (포스터 일반 부문 우수논문상), “특징선 기반 SLAM을 위한 소실점 정보의 Loss 함수 개발,” KRoC 2023, Feb. 17, 2023.
  • RED show award (RED Show 일반 부문 우수상), “전장 상황에서의 무인정찰을 위한 자율비행 드론,” KRoC 2023, Feb. 17, 2023.
  • RED show award (RED Show 학부생 부문 우수상), “B2Bot Biomimetic Beetle Robot Capable of Walking and Flying,” KRoC 2023, Feb. 17, 2023.
  • KAIST Research Prize (개교 52주년 기념 연구상), Feb. 6, 2023.
  • KAIST Technology Innovation Award (기술혁신상), Dec. 22, 2022.
  • CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2023 Innovation Award, Robotics Field (with Hills Robotics), Nov. 17, 2022.
  • 2022 Future Challenge Defense Technology Contest (2022년 미래도전 국방기술 경진대회 장려금 수상), Nov. 6, 2022.
  • People of the Year Award, AI One Team SUMMIT 2022, Sofitel Ambassador Seoul, Oct. 25, 2022.
  • 2nd CASH Prize (USD 3,000) in Academia, HILTI SLAM Challenge, Future of Construction Workshop, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA, May 23-27, 2022.
  • Excellence Award for RED (Robot Engineering & Design) Show, KRoC (Korea Robotics Conference), Pyungchang, May 11-14, 2022.
  • The Best Poster Award, ICCAS (Int’l Conf. Control, Automation, and Systems) 2021, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 12-15, 2021.
  • AFCV (Asian Federation of Computer Vision) Best Paper Award, KRoC 2021 (Korea Robotics Conference), Phoenix, Pyungchang, May 19-22, 2021.
  • KAIST Breakthroughs Readers’ Choice Award』, Feb. 17, 2021.
  • Outstanding Service Award, IJCAS (Int’l Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems), Jan. 6, 2021.
  • KRI (KROS Robotics Innovation) 2020 AwardKROS (한국로봇학회), Dec. 4, 2020.
  • Encouragement Award, Drone Image Challenge for Civil Infrastructures (사회기반시설물 드론 촬영 경진대회 장려상), “SLAM 기반 자율 비행 드론을 활용한 교량 시설물 검사,” KSCE (대한토목학회) 주최, Oct. 23, 2020.
  • The Best Paper Award, 2020 IEMEK (Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea) Conference (대한임베디드공학회 추계학술대회, Nov. 14, 2020.
  • The Student Best Paper Award, “Normal Distributions Transform is Enough: Real-time 3D Scan Matching for Pose Correction of Mobile Robot Under Large Odometry Uncertainties,” ICCAS (Int’l Conf. Control, Automation, and Systems) 2020, Busan, Oct. 13-16, 2020.
  • Academic Activity Award, IJCAS (Int’l Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems), Dec. 31, 2019.
  • Grand Prize, Drone Image Challenge for Civil Infrastructures (사회기반시설물 드론 촬영 경진대회 최우수상), KSCE (대한토목학회) 주최, Oct. 18, 2019.
  • The Best Paper AwardICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems) Annual Conference, May 2019.
  • The Best Paper Award, ISR (Intelligent Service Robotics), Int’l Conf. on Ubiquitous Robots, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 28, 2018.
  • KAIST Synergic Research Prize (융합연구상) (with Prof. Junmo Kim, Dept. EE), May 25, 2018.
  • Prime Minister’s Citation Award at 2018 National Science Day (과학의 날 기념 국무총리 표창), April 20, 2018.
  • Included in Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 (Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award), 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 (30th Pearl Anniversary Edition)
  • Included in TOP 100 Engineers 2015, 2013, IBC (Int’l Biographical Center, Cambridge, England)
  • IROS Academic Award, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems), Oct. 18, 2016.
  • Selected as KAIST’s Top 10 research accomplishments of 2015 (KAIST 대표 성과 10선 선정), Mar. 2016.
  • The Best Paper Award, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems) Annual Conference, March 2016.
  • Awarded Yonam Overseas Visiting Scholar Fellowship, LG Yonam Foundation (LG 연암재단 해외 연수 장려금), June 2015.
  • The Best Poster Award, URAI (Int’l Conf. Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence) 2015, KINTEX. Oct. 2015.
  • The Best Presentation Award, ICCAS (Int’l Conf. Control, Automation, and Systems) 2015, Busan, Oct. 2015.
  • Academic Activity Award, IJCAS (Int’l Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems), Dec. 15, 2014
  • The Best Paper Award, Journal of KROS (Korea Robotics Society), Dec. 5, 2014.
  • The Best Paper Award, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems) Daejeon Chungcheong Section Annual Conference (대전충청지부 학술대회), Korea, Nov. 19, 2014.
  • Selected as the Exemplary Achievements of 2013 that put Each College in the Spotlight, KAIST, Apr. 2014.
  • Best Paper Award from KIPO (Korea Intellectual Property Office) (최우수 논문상 특허청장상), Oct. 2013.
  • Best Paper Award, 2013 ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Annual Conference, May 2013.
  • KAIST Technology Innovation Award (기술혁신상), KAIST, Dec. 2012.
  • ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Academic Activity Award, Oct. 2012.
  • The Best Paper Prize, 2012 KROC (Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference), 2012.
  • The Best Paper Prize, 2012 ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapter Annual Conference, 2012.
  • The Best Paper Prize, 2012 ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Annual Conference, 2012.
  • The Best Paper Prize, 2010 ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapter Annual Conference, 2012.
  • The Best Paper Prize, 2010 ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Annual Conference, 2012. 
  • 無限探究 Award (무한탐구상), Project leader of vision-based robot navigation algorithm, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, 2007.
  • Break-through Award, 2007, Project leader of vision-based robot navigation algorithm. Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, 2007.
  • Bronze prize for the Samsung Tech. Conference, Nov. 2005.
  • Scholarship from Korea Research Foundation (신진연구자 장학금), 1998. 1 ~ 1998.12.
  • Scholarship from Samsung HumanTech Thesis Prize (삼성휴먼테크 논문대상 장학금), 1996. 2 ~ 1998. 9.
  • Bronze prize for the 2nd Samsung HumanTech Thesis Prize, “Information Processing Using Realistic Neuron Model (실제적인 뉴런 모델을 이용한 정보처리),” 제2회 삼성휴먼테크 논문 대상 동상 수상. [Link], Feb. 1996.
  • Graduate First in EE&CS School of KAIST: KAIST chairman of board of directors prize (KAIST 이사장상), Summa Cum laude, Feb. 1992.
  • Jeonil Scholarship (전일장학금), Gwangju Science High School (광주과학고등학교), Gwangju, Korea, 1987.
  • Encouragement award for Nation-wide Math Olympiad competition (전국 수학올림피아드 장려상), 1986.

Professional Activities

  • Editor, Computational Learning for Robotics – RiTA 2020, PeerJ Collection, –  March 31, 2021.
  • Associate Editor, IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI) 2020, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sep. 14-16, 2020.
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2021, Xian, China, May 30 – June 5, 2021. 
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020, Virtual @ Paris, France, May 31 – Aug. 31, 2020. 
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019. 
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2018, Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 2018. 
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)2017, Singapore, May 29-June 3, 2017. 
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)2016, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016. 
  • Member of Editorial Board, Int’l Journal of ARR (Advances in Robotics Research), 2012 – Present
  • Member of Editorial Board, KROS (Korea Robotics Society), 2011 – 2016
  • Guest Editor, Special Issue on Robotics and Automation for Civil Infrastructure, SSS (Smart Structures and Systems), 2013 – May 2014
  • Guest Editor, Focused Section on Mechatronics for Sustainable and Resilient Civil Infrastructure, IEEE-ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 2012 – Dec. 2013

  • Vice President, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems), 2024 – Present
  • Vice President, KROS (Korea Robotics Society), 2023 – Present
  • Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE VTS (Vehicular Technology Society), 2023 – 2025
  • Senior Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), May 2015 – Present
  • Senior Member, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems), Oct. 2014 – Present
  • Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Mar. 2008 – Apr. 2015
  • Member of Board of Directors, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems), 2019 – Present
  • Member of Board of Directors, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems), 2014 – 2016
  • Member of Board of Directors, KROS (Korea Robotics Society), 2019 – Present
  • Member of Board of Directors, KROS (Korea Robotics Society), 2012 – 2015
  • Member of Board of Directors, KRSA (Korea Robot Soccer Association), 2012 – 2015
  • Member of Board of Directors, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems) Daejeon-Chungchung Section, 2008 – Present
  • Chief of Board of Directors, ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems) Daejeon-Chungchung Section, 2017.

Invited Talk (Int’l)

  • “Autonomous robot navigation in rough terrains using spatial AI,” Invited Talk, RSS (Robotics, Science and Systems) Workshop on Navigation & Mobile Manipulation in Challenging and Cluttered Natural Environments, Delft, Netherlands, Jul 19, 2024.
  • “Intelligent Autonomous Navigation of Robots,” IEEE VTS (Vehicular Technolgy Society) Distinguished Lecture Program, Nov. 27, 2023.
  • “Autonomous Robot Navigation Leveraging Spatial AI,”  Keynote, ICiMR (International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics) 2023, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Online), Aug. 22, 2023.
  • “Introduction to Autonomous Navigation Technology of Urban Robotics Lab.,” Invited Talk, EpiSci (EpiSys Science, Inc.), Video Conference, Feb. 2, 2023.
  • “Autonomous Navigation and Inspection for Smart Cities,” Invited Talk, Future of Construction Workshop, IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA, May 23-27, 2022.
  • “Robot Navigation Technologies for Smart Cities,” Invited Talk, The 2nd ZHITU Symposium on Advances in Civil Engineering 2021, UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), Ulsan, Korea, Sep. 29, 2021.
  • “Autonomous Robot Navigation Technologies for Smart Cities,” Keynote Speech, ICARR (Int’l Con. Advances in Robotics Research), ASEM/ANBRE21, SNU, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 26, 2021.
  • “Autonomous Robot Navigation for Smart Cities,” Invited Talk, YSN-ASM International Scientific Virtual Conference (ISVC) 2021, Malaysia, Mar. 31, 2021.
  • “Autonomous Navigation Technology for Smart Cities,” Invited Talk, iM3F 2020 (Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics & Materials Forum), Pekan, Malaysia, Aug. 6, 2020.
  • “Sustainable Urban Robotics Technologies for Smart Cities,” Keynote Speech, 2019 International Conference on Advances in Robotics Research (ICARR19), Jeju, Sep. 19, 2019.
  • “Autonomous Navigation for Disaster Robotics,” 2019 DRC-IRS Int’l Workshop on Disaster Response Robot Technology, Disaster Robotics Center, Pohang, 17 June 2019.
  • “Urban Robotics for Smart Cities,” Plenary talk at IEEE SAS (Sensors Applications Symposium) 2018, Koreana Hotel, Seoul, Korea, Mar. 14, 2018.
  • “Drone Technologies for Smart Cities,” Invited talk at Drone Conference in Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 10, 2017. 
  • “Urban Robotics for Smart Cities,” Invited talk at Samsung AI Forum, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 20, 2017.
  • “For Ultimate Autonomous Navigation,” Invited speech at 1st Aslla Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May 27, 2017.
  • “Structural and Environmental Monitoring using Robotics,” Invited talk at Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC San Diego, USA, Jan. 4, 2017.
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics,” Invited talk at NASA Ames Research Center, San Jose, USA, June. 15, 2016.
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics,” Invited talk at Dept. BAE (Biological and Agriculture Engineering), UC Davis, USA, Apr. 11, 2016.
  • “Robotics in Civil Engineering,” Invited talk at APSS (Asia-Pacific Summer School) on Smart Structures and Systems, NTU, Taiwan, Aug. 4, 2014.
  • “Robot Navigation and Monitoring Technologies for U-City,” Keynote Lecture at RiTA (Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications) Conference, Denver, US, Dec. 20, 2013.
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics,” Invited talk at NUS (National Univ. of Singapore), Singapore, Nov. 19, 2013.
  • “Trends and Recent Advances in Urban Robotics,” The Eighth KAIST-Tongji Symposium on Civil Engineering, KAIST, Korea, July 29, 2013. (Keynote Speech)
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics,” Asia-Pacific Student Summer School on Smart Structures Technology, KAIST, Korea, July 25, 2013.
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics,” The Seventh Tongji Univ.-KAIST Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, July 23, 2012.
  • “Introduction to Urban Robotics Lab,” The Fifth Tongji Univ.-KAIST Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, January 19, 2010.
  • “Soft Computing-based Active Control,” The KAIST-Tongji Univ. Summer School, KAIST, Korea, July. 22, 2009.
  • “Robotics for Civil Engineering,” The Third KAIST-Tongji Univ. Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, January 13, 2009.
  • “Toward Intelligent Home & Civil Robot,” Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 18, 2008.
  • “Active Structural Control – Intelligent Control,” Asia-Pacific Student Summer School on Smart Structures Technology, KAIST, Korea, Aug. 1, 2008.
  • Chung-Bang Yun, Hyung-Jo Jung, Hyun Myung, “R&D and Application Activities in Korea,” The Fifth International Workshop on Structural Control and Monitoring, Dalian, China, June 4-8 2008.

Invited Talk (Domestic)

  • “무인 이동체를 위한 공간 지능 (Spatial AI for Unmanned Systems),” Plenary Talk, UWC (Unmanned System World Congress), COEX, Seoul, July 18, 2024.
  • “로봇 자율이동을 위한 공간지능 (Spatial AI for Robot Navigation),” Plenary Talk, ICROS Annual Conference, Daejeon Convention Center, July 4, 2024.
  • “Spatial AI for Robot Navigation,” Invited Talk, AICON’23 (Global AI Conference), GIST (Gwangju Inst. Sci. & Tech.), Nov. 3, 2023.
  • “지능로봇 기술의 현재와 미래,” 이야기창작발전소, 2기 중견 창작자 특화과정, Oct. 31, 2023.
  • “AI와 로봇: 공간/이동지능 기술 동향,” 수산그룹 초청강연, Oct. 5, 2023.
  • “AI Robotics Focusing on Spatial AI,” MARS (Mobility, AI, Robotics, Space) World Forum, DCC, Daejeon, Aug. 4, 2023.
  • “AI와로봇: 공간/이동지능을중심으로,” SK Telecom 초청강연, July 25, 2023.
  • “AI + 로보틱스: 이동/공간지능기술,” 포스코DX 초청강연, July 20, 2023.
  • “AI + 로보틱스: 이동지능기술 소개,” 대성그룹 초청강연, June 12, 2023.
  • “다양한 환경과 플랫폼에서의 자율 로봇 내비게이션 기술,” 서울대학교 기계공학부 초청강연, May 11, 2023.
  • “AI 로봇: 이동지능 기술 소개,” 세종과학고 특강, KAIST, May 10, 2023.
  • “AI 로봇 기술: 자율주행을 중심으로,” 국가사이버OO센터 초청강연, Apr. 27, 2023.
  • “AI 로봇 기술: 자율주행을 중심으로,” 창원과학고 특강, KAIST, Mar. 23, 2023.
  • “전문서비스 로봇 기술동향 및 기초이론,” 특허청 특강, 특허청 (KIPO), Mar. 7, 2023.
  • “로봇 자율주행 최신 기술 소개,” 한전전력연구원 (KEPRI), Jan. 5, 2023.
  • “지능로봇 기술과 국방 응용,” 육군대학 (첨단 과학기술 소령 지휘참모 과정), Sep. 14, 2022.
  • “로봇 및 AI: 기술 트렌드,” 성남-KAIST 리더십포럼, May 20, 2022.
  • “Autonomous Mobile Robotics,” Samsung SDS, Apr. 18-19, 2022.
  • “지능로봇기술 동향 및 미래,” KAIST 문술미래전략대학원 정보기술전략 강의, Mar. 5, 2022.
  • “로봇 기술개발 현황 및 국내외 산업 동향과 전망,” 2022년도 2차 MOFAST Club 세미나, 외교부, Feb. 9, 2022.
  • “지능로봇 자율주행의 현재와 미래,” 2021 대전사이언스투어, Nov. 20-21, 2021.
  • “지능로봇 자율주행 기술의 현재와 미래,” 2021 대전사이언스페스티벌, Oct. 24, 2021.
  • “화재정찰로봇 및 방염드론,” 한전전력연구원, Sep. 28, 2021.
  • “지능로봇 자율주행 기술의 현재와 미래,” RIST (포항산업과학연구원), Aug. 3, 2021.
  • “지능로봇 자율주행 기술의 현재와 미래,” 2021 과학자소통포럼, June 29, 2021.
  • “제철소 내 적용 가능한 실내 측위 기술,” 2021 포스코석좌교수포럼, June 21, 2021.
  • “로봇 및 AI: 기술트렌드 및 CES 2021 리뷰”, 성남-KAIST 리더쉽 포럼 (온라인), June 18, 2021.
  • “국방 무인화 기술 동향”, 국방비전 2050 관련 특강, 국방부 (온라인), May 26, 2021.
  • “지능 로봇 자율주행 기술”, 특허청 초청 강연, 특허청, 정부종합대전청사, Mar. 23, 2021.
  • 무인자율이동기술 연구동향“, 2020 안보융합포럼 강연, KAIST 문지캠퍼스, Dec. 10, 2020.
  • Drive-in SF Cinema Talk, SF2020 Festival, Kwcheon National Science Museum (과천국립과학관). Nov. 14, 2020.
  • “자율주행 기술 및 사업화 사례,” SKR (SK렌터카), DT (Digital Transformation) Online 교육, Nov. 12, 2020.
  • “Bio-mimetic Robot and Swarm Robot Navigation: Application to Planetary Exploration (생체모방형 로봇과 군집 자율주행 기술: 행성탐사 활용)”, Colloquium, [Poster], 한국천문연구원 (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), Oct. 21, 2020.
  • “Robotics Technologies for Smart Cities (스마트시티를 위한 로봇 기술)”, FLP (Frontier Leadership Program), KAIST Dogok Campus, Seoul, Oct. 16, 2020.
  • “Robot NavigationTechnologies and their Applications (로봇 자율 주행 기술과 응용)”, DGIST 로봇공학전공, Oct. 6, 2020.
  • “Mobility Digital Transformation (모빌리티 디지털 트랜스포메이션)”, SKR (SK렌터카), Online, Sep. 22, 2020.
  • “Autonomous Robot Navigation Technology for Smart Cities (스마트시티를 위한 자율주행 로봇기술),” 선을 넘는 과학자들, 국립과천과학관 (Gwacheon National Science Museum), Aug. 8, 2020.
  • “Autonomous Robot Navigation Technology and Future Robotics Education (자율주행 로봇 기술 및 미래의 로봇 공학 교육)”, Gyeonggido Office of Education (경기도교육청), Aug. 4, 2020.
  • “Mobility: Present and Future (Mobility 의 현재와 미래)”, SKR (SK렌터카), Seoul, July 28, 2020.
  • “Drone Technology for Environmental Surveillance and Inspection (환경 정찰 및 점검을 위한 드론 기술),” ICT Convergence Korea, July 14, 2020.
  • “Robotics Technologies for Smart Cities (스마트시티를 위한 로봇 기술)”, FLP (Frontier Leadership Program), KAIST Dogok Campus, Seoul, Nov. 29, 2019.
  • “Sustainable Robotics Technologies for Smart Cities (스마트시티를 위한 지속가능한 로봇 기술)”, DGIST 정보통신융합전공 Colloquium, Oct. 15, 2019.
  • “지능 로봇 기술의 건설 분야 적용 (Application of Intelligent Robotics to Civil Engineering),” Invited talk at 2019 BIM Symposium (한국 BIM 정기학술대회), 건설회관, Seoul, June 13, 2019.
  • “건설 및 유지관리를 위한 로봇기술 (Robot Technologies for Construction and Management),” GS E&C (GS 건설), Seoul, May 30, 2019.
  • “지속가능한 스마트시티를 위한 로봇 공학 (Robotics for Sustainable Smart City),” Invited talk at Changwon Science High School (창원과학고), May 24, 2019.
  • “인공지능 기법 및 활용 (AI techniques and its applications),” Invited talk at K-Water (한국수자원공사), Daejeon, Apr. 9, 2019.
  • “Overview of SLAM Technology,” Invited talk at LG Innotech (엘지이노텍), Seoul, Jan. 24, 2019.
  • “스마트시티를 위한 로봇 및 AI 기술 (Robotics and AI Technologies for Smart Cities),” Plenary talk at 2018 BIM Symposium, Kyungbuk National Univ., Daegu, Nov. 1, 2018.
  • “스마트시티 & 팩토리를 위한 로봇 공학 (Robotics for Smart City & Factory),” Invited talk at 로봇지능화산업 융합 기술교류회, Daejeon Lotte City Hotel, Oct. 23, 2018.
  • “지속가능한 스마트시티를 위한 도시로봇 공학 (Urban Robotics for Sustainable Smart City),” Invited talk at Sejong-city (세종시), Sep. 27, 2018.
  • “스마트 시티를 위한 로봇 기술 (Robotics for Smart Cities)”, Invited talk at Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National Univ. (서울대 융합과학기술대학원), Sep. 11, 2018.
  • “Robotics and AI for Smart Cities (미래도시의 로봇 및 AI)”, Invited talk at KAIST Summer Camp, Aug. 4, Aug. 6, KAIST, 2018.
  • “드론/로봇 감시정찰을 위한 인공지능 기반 자율주행 기술,” Invited talk at LIG Nex1 (LIG넥스원), Pangyo (판교), June 18, 2018.
  • “Robot Technology for Disaster Safety (재난안전을 위한 로봇 기술),” Invited talk at ROKA (Republic of Korea Army) 4.0 Special Training Course, KAIST, Feb. 8, 2018.
  • “미래도시와 로봇 기술 (Future Cities and Robotics Technologies),” Invited talk at KEPRI (한전전력연구원), Daejeon, Sep. 27, 2017.
  • “실내외 동적 환경에서의 3D SLAM 기술 (3D SLAM Technology in Dynamic Indoor/Outdoor Environment,” Invited talk at Hancom (한글과컴퓨터), Pangyo (판교), Sep. 21, 2017.
  • “Trends and Challenges in Autonomous Robot Navigation,” Invited talk at Chungbuk National University (충북대학교), Aug. 22, 2017.
  • “Robot Technology in Future Cities (미래도시의 로봇 기술),” Invited talk at KAIST Camp, KAIST, July 24, 2017.
  • “Robot Technology in Future Urban Environment (미래 도시 환경의 로봇 기술),” Invited talk at Science Touch @ Friday, NRF, July 7, 2017.
  • “Intelligent Disaster Management Using Robots,” Invited talk at Public Safety and Security Academy, Ministry of Public Safety and Security (국민안전처), Sejong, Mar. 7, 2017. 
  • “Future City and Robots,” Invited talk at Midam Scholarship Foundation (미담장학회), KAIST ICC Campus, Daejeon, July 27, 2015. 
  • “Robotics for fusion of Civil-IT,” Invited talk at Science Academy, KSA (Kwangju Science Academy) for the Gifted (광주과학고 과학영재학교), Gwangju, May 21, 2015. 
  • “Hybrid Directional Drilling and Underground Localization Technology,” Invited lecture, Workshop on Polar Extreme Engineering, Korea Polar Research Institute (극지연구소), Incheon, June 19, 2015. 
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics and Navigation Technologies,” Invited lecture, Dept. Electrical Engineering, Korea Univ. (고려대학교), Seoul, Dec. 16, 2014. 
  • “Recent Advances in Urban Robotics and Robot Navigation Technologies,” Invited lecture, Dept. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University (서울대학교), Dec. 5, 2014. 
  • “Swarm Marine Robots for Efficient Marine Works,” Invited talk, MOU ceremony with NIA (National Information Society Agency, Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning), Seoul, May 28, 2014. 
  • “Urban Robotics,” Invited talk, KPF (KAIST Presidential Fellowship) student meeting, KAIST, Apr. 4, 2014. 
  • “Advances in Marine Robotics,” Invited talk, KCG (Korea Costal Guard) Research Institute, Cheonan, Feb. 14, 2014. 
  • “Dynamic Model and HILS development for Verification of Dynamic Positioning System of Ocean Plant,” Kahn, Co., Geojae, Jan. 27 – Mar. 31, 2014.
  • “Core Technologies of Urban Robotics,” Invited talk at 4th Future Spatial Information Forum, Yonsei Univ., Nov. 28, 2013.
  • “Robots in the future city,” Invited talk at World Vision Dream School, Daejeon EXPO Science Park, Oct. 26, 2013.
  • “Robot Navigation Technology for U-City,” Invited talk at Yonsei Univ., Apr. 20, 2013. 
  • “Marine Robotics and Its Application to Jellyfish Removal”, KCG (Korea Costal Guard) Research Institute, Incheon, Nov. 16, 2012. 
  • “Introduction to Marine Robotics and Jellyfish Removal Robot – JEROS”, NFRDI (Nat’l Fisheries R&D Institute), Busan, Sep. 12, 2012. 
  • “Introduction to Jellyfish Removal Robot”, Korea Western Power, Co. Ltd., Gunsan, Sep. 4, 2012. 
  • “Robots in the future city,” Invited talk as a Science and Technology Ambassador, Daejeon Dunwon Elementary School, June 5, 2012. 
  • “Precision Navigation Technology,” KRRI (Korea Railroad Research Institute), Sept. 7, 2011. 
  • “Introduction to USV/UUV Navigation Technology,” PIRO (Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics), Pohang, Korea, Aug. 30, 2011. 
  • “Introduction to Robot Navigation and Localization Technology,” ETRI, Daejeon, Korea, Aug. 22, 2011. 
  • “A Review on Optimization Techniques,” Samsung Electronics, Yongin, Korea, Feb. 22, 2011. 
  • “Recent Studies on USV/UUV Navigation,” ONR (Office of Naval Research) Global, UK, KAIST, Korea, Jan. 28, 2011. 
  • “Autonomous Navigation for ASV/AUV,” Invited Talk, Samsung Thales Co., Gumi, Korea, Jan. 27, 2011. 
  • “Introduction to Robot Navigation Technology,” Intelligent Robot Seminar Series hosted by Daejeon Technopark, Chungnam Univ., Korea, Aug. 21, 2009. 
  • “R&D Status of Civil Robots,” Invited Lecture of Future Civil Engineering Committee, KSCE (Korean Society of Civil Engineers), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 25, 2008.