• Welcome to
    Urban Robotics Lab.

    Robotics for Smart Cities: Our lab focuses on the research and development of Robotics Technologies for Smart Cities.

  • Future Robotics

    Robots that will make our lives better!

  • Simultaneous Localization & Mapping

    Accurate localization and mapping for seamless robot navigation.

  • Autonomous Navigation for Various Robots

    Our lab develops autonomous navigation for various robot platforms
    (DreamWaQ and CAROS-H featured in CNN)


Simultaneous Localization & Mapping

Accurate localization and mapping for seamless robot navigation.

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Machine Learning & AI

New possibilities with Neural Networks.

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Future Robotics

Robots that will make our lives better.

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Recent Announcement


[2024 Winter-Spring] Intern Recruiting (New Project Updated 11.13)

[KOR]명현 교수님 연구실에서 겨울-봄 인턴을 모집합니다.인턴 기간: 2025년 1월 - 6월 (6개월)지원 자격: 학부 재학 및 졸업생 (자대/타대 무관)모집 인원: 2 명 신청 기한: ~ 2024년 11월 29일 금요일지원 방법:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fkDZ2Sz0DEWz5soE9dlNajQp6yWD29HeuZ3QFb_4Ix8/edit?usp=sharing 의 [지원 링크]를 통해 구글폼 작성KAIST URL(전기 및 전자공학부 명현 교수님)에서 24년 겨울- 25년 봄 함께 할 학부 인턴을 모집합니다.학부 인턴은 연구실 내에서 진행되고 있는 프로젝트에 배정되어 활동을 하게 될 예정입니다.저희 연구실로 박사 및 석사과정 진학을 희망하신다면, 인턴 활동을 먼저 경험하시길 권장합니다.Q&A: intern@urobot.kaist.ac.kr=====================[ENG]2024 Winter-Spring Semester Intern Recruiting in Urban Robotics Lab.Period of activity: 2025 January ~ JuneQualification: Undergraduate / GraduateNumbers: 2 personApplication Deadline: ~29th November (Friday)How to apply: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fkDZ2Sz0DEWz5soE9dlNajQp6yWD29HeuZ3QFb_4Ix8/edit?usp=sharing Please write an application through the google form. KAIST Urban Robotics Lab is recruiting undergraduate interns to join us in the Winter-Spring (6 months).Undergraduate internships will be conducted in a way that interns will be assigned to one of the Lab projects.If you want to go on to a doctor or master's candidates in our lab, we recommend that you experience the internship first.Q&A: intern@urobot.kaist.ac.kr

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Lab Introduction (Kor / Eng)

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