Total 12 Newest Best Viewed Updated All 국가과제 산업체과제 KAIST 기타 All 국가과제 산업체과제 KAIST 기타 Number Thumbnail Title Funding Period Views 32 Cooperative SLAM and Navigation for Multi-Robots in Large Scale Indoor Environments KEIT | 2023-04-01~2026-12-31 | 1756 KEIT 2023-04-01~2026-12-31 1756 31 Navigation & Control for Micro Swarm Robots KRIT (국기연) | 2022-01-01~2027-12-31 | 1565 KRIT (국기연) 2022-01-01~2027-12-31 1565 30 Spatial Intelligence SW for Autonomous Navigation of Legged Robots in Dynamic and Atypical Environments KEIT | 2022-04-01~2026-12-31 | 1515 KEIT 2022-04-01~2026-12-31 1515 29 [AI28] Self-Improving AI for Changing Situation in Real World IITP | 2022-01-01~2023-12-31 | 1523 IITP 2022-01-01~2023-12-31 1523 28 Mobile VPR (Visual Place Recognition) IITP | 2021.04. ~ 2022.12. | 3390 IITP 2021.04. ~ 2022.12. 3390 27 Development of real·virtual environmental analysis based adaptive interaction technology (Mobile VIO) IITP | 2021.04. ~ 2024.12. | 2923 IITP 2021.04. ~ 2024.12. 2923 26 Quadrupedal Robots for Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Guard Post with Improved Mobility in Challenging Terrain DTaQ | 2019.08. ~ 2024.07. | 3191 DTaQ 2019.08. ~ 2024.07. 3191 25 Unmanned Swarm CPS Research Lab DTaQ, ADD | 2019.11. ~ 2024.12. | 3258 DTaQ, ADD 2019.11. ~ 2024.12. 3258 24 AI-based autonomous robot navigation in cluttered indoor-outdoor environment KEIT | 2019.04. ~ 2022.12. | 3482 KEIT 2019.04. ~ 2022.12. 3482 23 Development of A.I. based recognition, judgement and control solution for autonomous vehicle corresponding to atypical driving environment KIAPI | 2019.04. ~ 2021.12. | 3024 KIAPI 2019.04. ~ 2021.12. 3024 1234»Last All Title Content Author Search